- Opening Hours
- I – VII: 10:00 – 21:00
- Contact Us
- Tel.: +370 617 73048
- Email: mega@sveikatine.lt

Sveikatinė (health store) is a place where we will take care of your health with no treatment. Here you will find products for health prevention, well - being, healthy and active lifestyle. Exercise more and be healthier! Athletes here will find exercise goods and braces for injury prevention. The ones who are moving very little or working in a sedentary jobs will be able to buy the blood-enhancing socks, people with reduced mobility will find sticks and crutches here. Preventive shoes for children, belly belts and bras for maternity are waiting in the shop. Comfortable shoes and orthopedic insoles would protect your feet from tiredness. There is a possibility to get professional advice how to ease your movement and improve well-being. Invest in prevention, because it costs much cheaper than treatment.